Largo, the Canadian vanadium company, has announced its plan to review and evaluate strategic alternatives for its subsidiary, Largo Clean Energy Corp (LCE) and its vanadium redox flow batteries business.

Exploring Various Options

As part of this process, Largo will carefully consider different options to maximize the value for its shareholders. These options include financing transactions at the subsidiary level, as well as potential mergers and acquisitions with other battery companies.

Moreover, Largo will also explore the opportunity to form partnerships with established energy system producers, leveraging its position in the vanadium space.

Seeking Maximum Value

Daniel Tellechea, the CEO of Largo, emphasized that LCE possesses unique characteristics that can be advantageous for strategic opportunities in the market. By conducting this formal evaluation, Largo aims to deliver maximum value for all of its shareholders.

It is important to note that Largo will not provide updates on the review process while it is ongoing. Additionally, there are no guarantees regarding the outcome of this evaluation.

For more information, please contact Adriano Marchese.

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