Cal-Maine Foods, the leading producer and distributor of fresh shell eggs in the United States, provided an update on the state of the layer hen population. While the flock has rebounded from the recent highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) outbreak, it is still slightly below the five-year average.

Layer Hen Numbers and Hatch Rate

According to the USDA's latest report as of September 1, 2023, the number of layer hens stands at 318.2 million, reflecting a 3.1% increase compared to the previous year. Additionally, the hatch from April to August 2023 witnessed a 2.0% growth when compared to the corresponding period last year. This suggests a promising future with the potential for further growth in layer flocks.

The Lingering Concern of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

While progress has been made in recovering from the highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreak, lingering concerns remain. The presence of HPAI in wild bird populations introduces uncertainty, especially with the upcoming fall migration season. As of October 2, 2023, there have been no positive tests for HPAI at any of Cal-Maine Foods' owned or contracted production facilities. However, the potential for future outbreaks remains unpredictable.

Recovering from HPAI: A Slightly Lower Layer Hen Flock

Although the layer hen flock has largely recuperated from the impact of HPAI-induced depletions, it still remains slightly below the five-year average. Cal-Maine Foods is keeping a close eye on USDA data to stay informed about the ongoing recovery and future trends.

Outlook for Table Egg Supply

In light of these developments, Cal-Maine Foods continues to assess and monitor the table egg supply outlook. As the industry strives to maintain stability, it remains crucial to adapt to changing circumstances as they arise.

Stay tuned for further updates from Cal-Maine Foods as they navigate the dynamic landscape of the poultry industry.

Impact of HPAI Outbreak on Company's Business

Recovery of Egg Supply and Selling Prices

Decline in Conventional Egg Selling Prices

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